If you choose to befriend her, it is recommended to obtain the Writ of the Black Legion first (if you are able) because her initial quest will immediately decrease Black Legion reputation. Outcast reputation is gained very quickly as the quests from Anasteria (if you befriend her and not kill her) have very high reputation rewards, but they also decrease Black Legion reputation at the same time. This also means that, while she may still be friendly in The Fort Ikon Prison in a difficulty that you befriended her, you will no longer be able to buy her augments, in any difficulty. Changing your mind with her in a new difficulty will cause your Outcast reputation to reset to 0 (Tolerated) in all difficulties. However, with Anasteria it is a little different. Access to Outcast's Secret, a Legendary helm that only drops from Anasteria.Īs with most quests, your choices in one difficulty can be different in another difficulty after playing through the game again.Unlock the Fort Ikon Prison dungeon with Anasteria as a boss at the end and a great source of The Black Legion reputation farming, Elite mobs, and gear.Access to some of the best Aether Resistance augments in the game, able to be applied on weapons and armor.Unlock the Outcast faction, equipment, bounty table, and quest line, which increases Outcast reputation and decreases Black Legion reputation.Talk to her and decide whether to kill her or let her live. Speak to Anasteria at the Fort Ikon PrisonĪnasteria is located in the Fort Ikon Prison.If I ever start a second character and decide I want it, I'd kill her in the first play just to get it over with and then I could still have her shop and quests in the re-plays. So I guess a completionist player does have reason to kill her. I mentioned before that I have no real interest in achievements, so I didn't know she had one. I don't know if it is craftable, I've never crafted anything but dynamite, but if it is then that supports my "it is not unique to her" statement. It doesn't seem like you lose anything else if you let her live, maybe some black legion rep, but it is pretty easy to farm and doesn't justify sucrificing the faction vendor and xp from quests. Still it isn't any good for most builds and you can get it just on one of your characters and let her live on the others. I've read that it only drops from her, maybe you crafted it at the blacksmith?

I've had two (still wearing one, dynamited the other) and I've never killed her. The mask Outcast's Secret is a Legendary/Unique item, but other bosses drop it too. Originally posted by Ojisan Kukkī:I meant unique as in she is the only way to get it.